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Dandelion Wishes–friendship in times of hardship

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Dandelion Wishes

by Melinda Curtis

First published in 2012, Dandelion Wishes was reedited and republished by author Melinda Curtis in 2023. Meanwhile, it has also been made into a video as Love in Harmony Valley.

The Prologue introduces the three protagonists as children. Emma Willoughby is adventuresome and plows ahead regardless of potential disaster. Her inseparable best friend Tracy Jackson is with her every step of the way. Tracy’s brother Will is four years older and sees it as his job to keep the girls out of trouble.

When you fast forward to the current time, disaster has struck the trio in the form of a car accident. Emma was driving, but although the fault was not hers, Will can not forgive Emma and Emma can not forgive herself. He kept the pair separated for the six months Tracy was in rehab. She has come a long ways, but she still has speech aphasia. Emma still suffers from the accident, but with unseen injuries that plague her.

Woven into the backdrop is a financially highly successful trio consisting of Will and his two business associates who are trying to revitalize their hometown of Harmony Valley and are in conflict with the town council. Emma’s Grandma Rose has always been an eccentric, but she is now displaying some traits that have her friends and family worried. Perhaps the most important thread is the unexpected attraction Will and Emma feel for each other despite the chasm in their relationship.

Forgiveness, understanding, and independence are major themes. Will any of the protagonists be able to put their lives together after the emotional and psychological damage they suffered? Will the residents of Harmony Valley find a way to age gracefully as individuals and as a town?

There are nine books in this series, and I am looking forward to reading more about the characters introduced in this first book. Melinda Curtis has a way of providing gentle clean romance that doesn’t shy away from the harsh realities that confront people in their daily walks.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Women’s Fiction, Romance

Notes: #1 in the Love in Harmony Valley Series

Publication: January 17, 2023—Independent 

Memorable Lines:

“But this man wants to convert Harmony Valley from a peaceful, small town into a soulless tourist destination.”…”And then he’ll leave.” Rose went on. “Men always leave. And the opportunistic ones take whatever they can with them.”

In the eyes of her brother, Tracy was handicapped, disabled, incapable of living independently. Tracy felt as insignificant as a plain number two pencil in a mechanical pencil world. 

Sometimes, waiting to see what Granny Rose did next was like sitting in the front car of a roller coaster at the top of the first big hill, anticipating a stomach-dropping ride because there was no effective brake.

Not a dandelion, but very similar. This plant is a wildflower found in northern New Mexico.


  1. Love the title and cover, the story really hits home!


  2. Jenna says:

    Thank you for another great review Linda! How many books do you read in a week?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved your review of Dandelion Wishes by Melinda Curtis. You captured the essence of the book and its themes of friendship, hope and love. There is a famous proverb that says “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lakshmi Bhat says:

    Thank you for the review. The wild flower is beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Carla says:

    I love Melinda Curtis’ books and this sounds like a sweet and heartwarming/heartbreaking story. Great review, Linda. I plan on reading a few from this series.

    Liked by 1 person

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