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HAPPY NEW YEAR!! A Word for 2019!

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In the last few years, a reflective approach to the New Year has risen, ditching resolutions because very few people really keep up with them all year. If you make it through January in following your resolutions, you are doing pretty good.

So what is the substitution? A word. A single word you focus on all year. Last year I chose “joy.” I thought about my choice for about a week and my mind kept coming back to joy. So throughout the year I made a point of finding songs, Bible verses, and quotes that focused on joy. 

I find I like a word for the year better than resolutions. There are books written on the subject, but it really doesn’t have to be that complicated. God gave me my word for 2019, “trust,” as I was drifting off to sleep one night last week. I remembered it the next morning and will count that as affirmation of my choice. In my heart and head, it feels right.

rideYour word is very personal to you, and the direction you go with that word is personal. Just like a good motorcycle ride, enjoy the trip, exploring new roads, and don’t worry about the destination.

This year I plan on doing a little writing about my word—thoughts as they come to me and things I have learned. I doubt I will post much about my word as I do consider it a personal journey. On the other hand, I have a blogger friend, Wendy, who explores many subjects but whose blog, Ramblings and Musings, focuses on gratitude. I have appreciated her posts as she discovers gratitude in the big and little things in her life. Again, your word and your response to it can take a variety of pathways.

So, here is my invitation to you. Join me today in finding a word to explore in your life in 2019. Take your time in deciding on a word. If you haven’t decided on it by January 1, 2019, it’s okay.  No one is going to be checking up on you, and it is not yet another item for your daily to-do list—although a few post-its around the house might be helpful at first. If you choose a word and want to share it here, I’d love to hear about it. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!


happy 2019


  1. Wendy says:

    Happy New Year! Great word for 2019, Trust. It’s so appropriate for so many situations.
    Cheers to 2019, and Trusting it will be the very best year possible. 💕👑🍾

    Liked by 1 person

    • lghiggins says:

      Thank you. Happy New Year to you too, and thanks again for letting me reference your blog. It seemed so appropriate. Even though it is not a word of the year (bigger than that, actually), it fits in so well with the idea. A life theme!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. carhicks says:

    Happy New Year Linda. I love the word you chose. Trust is so important in so many things. Trusting in God to lead us and show us what our path should be is a tough thing for us to do. What a great word for a new year. I will have to pray and see what word comes to me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lghiggins says:

      Best wishes in the new year, Carla. Since choosing my word (being given my word), I have already had trust pop out in my devotions and Bible study many times. They were already there, of course, but now my attention is drawn to them.

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  3. Happy New Year! And I love this idea. It’s interesting because I had the same thought about New Year’s resolutions and how they always seem to crash and burn. For me, I think I get hyper specific and that is pretty much a set up for failure. This year, I kept thinking about all the different things I wanted to change this year, and initially felt overwhelmed by them. Then I thought about what connected them all? What was I trying to accomplish at a higher level? And it all came down to one concept/word: health. So that’s my word for 2019. I wish you tons of luck on your 2019 “trust” journey. And thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lghiggins says:

      I LOVE this Myndi. What you describe is perfect. There used to be a big push to break things down as you describe above, and I understand that can help you achieve specific goals. BUT when you have lots of efforts at the same time, it can be overwhelming. I like how you put it all together with one big overreaching thought. There are so many aspects to “health” but if you are focusing your thoughts and efforts on that all year, it is doable! Enjoy your health journey in 2019 and thanks for sharing your word for the year.

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