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Two Stories for Children

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The Quilt Story—love across generations

by Tony Johnston

illustrated by Tomie dePaola

Over the years I have enjoyed sharing legends as presented by Tomie dePaola with my Kindergarten and First Grade classes. Today I reread The Quilt Story written by children’s author Tony Johnston. Tomie dePaola illustrated this book as beautifully and as appropriately as he does his own texts.

The Quilt Story begins in the days of covered wagons as Abigail’s mother makes her a quilt that Abigail uses and enjoys in many ways. It becomes a special comfort to Abigail when her family leaves their old life behind to begin a new one in the woods where her father builds a log cabin. Many years later a descendent of Abigail discovers the quilt, having suffered varmint attacks and natural aging, in the attic. She takes it to her mother and asks her to fix it.

The story is sweet and touching. Ms. Johnston and Mr. dePaola  share so much contextually. Abigail’s sadness is apparent and understandable when the rest of the family is happy. The passage of time is indicated by the types of transportation, the clothing, and the homes, but both mothers are kind and comforting. The Quilt Story is reassuring to children in our minimalist and disposable age indicating that some objects do hold emotional memories of times and people of the past.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Children’s Literature, Historical Fiction

Publication:  1985—Putnam Publishing Group

      October 1990—Scholastic

Memorable Lines:

So her mother rocked her

as mothers do.

Then tucked her in.

And Abigail felt at home again

under the quilt.

The Cowboy and the Black-Eyed Pea

by Tony Johnston

illustrated by Warren Ludwig

What a delightful reimagining of “The Princess and the Pea!” Set on the “biggest spread in the great state of Texas,” there is humor all the way through. The main character, who is also the heroine of this tale, is Farethee Well, “a young woman of bodacious beauty.” She is also clever and devises a plan to execute her father’s final wishes to “Find a real cowboy who’ll love you for yourself, not just for your longhorn herd.” 

Her plan involves hiding a black-eyed pea under a saddle blanket because only a real cowboy would be “sorely troubled” by it. Watching the various suitors as they ride out to unknowingly perform the test is very funny—both in text and in the illustrations. Harkening back to the original fairy tale, a young cowboy arrives in the rain without knowing about the contest for the young cowgirl’s hand. One stampede and a pile of saddle blankets later, the real cowboy is discovered.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Children’s Fiction, Humor

Notes: 1.Don’t look for realism in the cowgirl’s test. If she put a black-eyed pea under the saddle blanket, it would be the horse that felt it, not the cowboy. Just remember it is a remake of a fairy tale and have yourself a Texas-sized good time!

            2. Contains humor on both an adult and children’s level so all readers will enjoy this!

Publication:  1992—Putnam & Grosset

Memorable Lines:

Sure enough, quick as you can say “set another place at table,” cowboys from hither and yon came seeking Farethee Well’s hand.


  1. Carla says:

    Wonderful reviews, Linda. I’ve not seen either of these books before, but they sound like they both have great messages.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lghiggins says:

      The Quilt Story is good for showing the effects of family love and traditions across generations. The Cowboy and the Black-eyed Pea is just a hoot with a strong female lead. If you love Texas cowboy lore, you’ll enjoy this.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. These both sound delightful!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve been thinking a lot about Tomie dePaola lately, so I love seeing The Quilt Story here! One of my favorites. Somehow, I hadn’t heard of The Cowboy and the Black-Eyed Pea before, but I always enjoy a good fairy tale twist. It sounds like a lot of fun.


  4. OMG the Quilt Story is a book after my heart! I have about 6 quilts I made years ago and will pass them on to my children and grandchildren. The Cowboy and the Black-Eyed Pea will be the perfect book to give to my 5 year old grandson, he will love this! Thank you for these reviews Linda!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lghiggins says:

      I’m glad they meant something special to you, Diane. I had these books when I taught school, but now I am passing them on to my AZ grandchildren in a monthly “Nana’s Book Box” since I don’t live close enough to read to them in person.


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