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The Last Party at Silverton Hall–historical and contemporary story lines

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The Last Party at Silverton Hall

by Rachel Burton

Isobel inherits a large five-bedroom mansion from her grandmother Vivien. She is guilt ridden over not visiting her grandmother as much as she could have. After all, Vivien had raised Isobel, keeping her in their beloved Silverton Bay and out of British boarding schools when Isobel’s parents moved to America.

This is a family riddled with secrets. Isabel’s mother Gina and Gina’s mother Vivien never seem to have gotten along, and Isabel is not sure why. She never knew her grandfather Max, but he is a powerful presence in The Last Party at Silverton Hall. Many people in the town were aware of the family’s secrets which amazingly they guarded for years.

This work of historical fiction is told in a dual timeline. In this way the backstory of the family is gradually introduced as Isobel discovers it for herself by talking with long-time residents and unearthing pertinent documents.

Isobel  is helped in her search for the truth by an old flame Nick with whom she shared an unforgettable kiss eighteen years prior, Neither is currently married and neither has achieved their original career goals. Nick, a trained physician, has a knack for restoring and flipping houses, and he offers his skills to Isobel as her large house is badly in need of a variety of repairs and renovations.

As secrets come to light, Nick and Isobel confront the past and prepare themselves for a future that they hope will include both of them and Silverton Bay.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 4/5

Category: Historical Fiction, Romance, Women’s Fiction

Publication:  March 2, 2023—Aria

Memorable Lines:

“Life never works out the way we think it will when we’re young. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be proud of what we achieve. Just because things turn out differently doesn’t mean they aren’t worthwhile.”

Secrets have a habit of being revealed, she knew that. But at the same time, when they were, they could blow a life into pieces.

Perhaps we all feel as though we have all the time in the world, and then, when that time inevitably runs out, it takes us by surprise.


  1. Carla says:

    I like stories with some mystery to them, as well as secrets and new beginnings. This one sounds good. I have enjoyed a couple of Rachel Burton’s books and think I would like this one as well. Great review, Linda.


  2. Your review has peaked my curiousity Linda, now I want to know what happened!

    Liked by 1 person

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