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Fall Photos

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Here are photographs from northern New Mexico this fall. It was one of the prettiest and longest falls I can remember there. We were on the lookout for bear when we went outside. There were native sunflowers and goldenrod. The sunflowers attracted chickadees who were fun to watch as the little acrobats gathered seeds. The oaks, which usually only turn from green to yellow to brown, put on a beautiful display of orange and reds this year too. Deer were fun visitors. We had three large bucks along with younger ones, does, and fawns visit us on a daily basis. When we were outside, they would stop grazing to gaze at us and then return to their business. Wild and planted gooseberries were a nice addition to strawberry-rhubarb pies. They gave a nice zing to whole wheat muffins. I don’t know what the purple flowers were, but I loved them. We planted on our deck–out of deer reach–cherry tomatoes, squash, chiles, rhubarb, chives and other herbs, eggplant and traditional flowers like pansies and petunias. The first frost of fall can overlap the last frost of spring so the growing season is short. This year the frost held off and we got more from our container garden than usual.


  1. These are beautiful! Glad to see you’ve had a wonderful backdrop for fall. And I love gooseberries, but I’ve never thought to add them to a strawberry rhubarb pie. What a great idea.

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  2. So much wildlife and that bear picture is awesome!!!! Sounds like the perfect place Linda.

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    • lghiggins says:

      We had been trying to scare him away from our neighbor’s trash can and then ours. He was very persistent! At this point he was trying to decide whether to keep going up a tree or drop back down.

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  3. mysm2000 says:

    I sometimes, like now, wish that WordPress was like Facebook and there was a choice of emojies to choose from instead of just a “like” button because I would choose the “wow” emojie for your blog today. Love your photos. This past summer I started feeding birds at my trailer and had some chickadees and now I think I may plant some sunflowers next spring for them. My brother in Calgary grows them; I must ask him if he gets chickadees. I live in Ottawa near mountains and forests so lots of fall colours. I think it is my favourite season.

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    • lghiggins says:

      It sounds like you have a beautiful place to enjoy fall! These are small sunflowers (tall but not big heads) so they seem to be just perfect for the chickadees. We also put out bird seed in feeders and the bluejays love the larger sunflower seeds.


  4. I’m so glad you’ve had such a wonderful Fall Linda, beautiful photos!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lghiggins says:

      Thank you, Jenna. When I lived near Albuquerque, NM, I basically lived without fall for many years. It is beautiful in central New Mexico, but more of a desert. So, I doubly appreciate fall in the mountains.

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  5. What an amazing bear photo! And the deer, too. I grew up just four hours from Angel Fire. We spent lots of time there. I love New Mexico.

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    • lghiggins says:

      Ah, Crystal, you know exactly what I was trying to share in this post because you have lived it! I am blessed to live in New Mexico half of the year (before the snowfall gets to 100 inches 🤣❄️🥶).

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  6. Gretchen says:

    Beautiful pictures, Linda! Here in Wisconsin we had an extended fall as well. It seemed like just when we thought the colors must be ready to decrease, they got brighter. We have had bucks in our yard this year, too. Usually we only see does. Thanks for giving us a glimpse of your neck of the woods! 🙂

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  7. Carla says:

    Wow, great pictures, Linda. Fall is so beautiful around here. I’m glad your trees put on a wonderful show this year. Is that a bear jumping at the tree in the first picture? I don’t think I would want to be that close.

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  8. Nancy says:

    I enjoyed seeing your fall pictures! That bear! Wow!
    Such lovely colors in your landscape!
    And chickadees are always a favorite of mine!

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