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Her Alaskan Valentine’s Day Matchmaker–frigid setting

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Her Alaskan Valentine’s Day Matchmaker

by Melinda Curtis

Welcome to the Alaskan Matchmaker Series. The first book in the series is Her Alaskan Valentine’s Day Matchmaker and is written by Melinda Curtis. It is a novella and authors Anna J. Stewart  and Cari Lynn Webb will be writing other books in this series. I don’t know if their books will be novellas or full length romances. I do know that they will deal with some of the same characters that are introduced in Her Alaskan Valentine’s Day Matchmaker.

The setup for this plot is that three bachelors in their twenties wage a bet with their former high school hockey coach. If they win the bet to get three couples together in Kenkanken, Alaska, they get their dream fulfilled of being employed by a hockey team. It’s an outrageous bet, laced with failure, but it gets much worse when Nora and her five week old baby walk into their headquarters, their favorite stools in Coach’s bar. Who is the baby’s father and what does Nora want? 

The cold setting is front and center as the men of K-bay all proudly sport winter beards which they don’t shave until spring. Their beards become part of the plot too. As a novella, there is not a lot of time devoted to character development, but there is a surprising amount dedicated to the plot. My favorite character is the baby, little Zoe; everyone falls in love with her. I enjoyed the book and felt like the novella length was appropriate to the story.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 4/5

Category: Romance, Novella

Notes: 1. #1 in the Alaskan Matchmaker Series

    2. I thought the title of the book would grow on me, but it still just seems awkward.

Publication:  February 7, 2023—Chelsea Beth Publishing

Memorable Lines:

“How do we get our clients to realize they’ve found true love in the same dating pool they’ve had available for years? I mean, they have only three weeks to fall in love and ring the bell.”

He’d given her a night that was exactly what she’d wanted, but he couldn’t help but feel he hadn’t come close to giving her what she’s really needed.

“Gideon?” The sharp doubt in that one ice-laden word could have punctured the hull of the Titanic.


  1. Well, this certainly sounds different! Three guys playing matchmaker and a single woman with a baby, a very unusual premise! It does sound like fun though…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nancy says:

    Sounds like a fun read! And three bachelors playing on a bet. Sounds funny and interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The title is a little clunky. The story sounds cute.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Carla says:

    This sounds like a lot of fun, Linda. I just checked and it is on Kindle Unlimited, so I will put it on my list to read in February for Valentine’s Day. Great review.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. lghiggins says:

    That’s a good idea. It’s not a life changing book, but would be fun to read during that season.

    Liked by 2 people

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