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In Farm’s Way–the heart of the farm

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In Farm’s Way

by Amanda Flower

There is a lot going on in Cherry Glen, Michigan, land of cherry orchards, snow, and ice fishing. Shiloh Bellamy left her L.A. producer job to return to Cherry Glen to save the family farm by reinventing it as an organic farm.

In the brief time since she returned to her home town, she has gained a reputation as someone who is nosy and can solve crimes. She helps her aging father as much as he will allow, but their bonds have never been strong as her father could not step up to the plate emotionally after Shiloh’s mother passed away. Along the way, they have both developed a relationship with the exuberant Hazel who loves to help on the farm. Hazel’s father Quinn, an EMT, was Shiloh’s deceased fiancé’s best friend. Complicated, right?

When Shiloh discovers a body under the ice at an ice fishing competition, and her friend Kristi’s husband is a prime suspect, Shiloh is asked to investigate. Woven into her sleuthing are topics like ice fishing, birding, beer brewing, and organic farming. Shiloh continues her search for something her beloved grandmother left for her at the “heart of the farm.” There is also a potential romance or two that mainly produces tension, but also ends the book with a cliff-hanger.

As with most mysteries you will meet some interesting characters along the way. there are two sheriffs who become a little territorial, a widow who doesn’t seem at all sad, and an organic beer brewing association with internal politics. Jesse’s Place is the cafe to go to if you want to pick up the latest local gossip, and Jesse herself is civic minded and kind hearted. Shiloh’s older cousin Stacey is fulfilling a personal dream by reviving the town theater using money she got from the sale of her half of the family farm. I mustn’t forget Shiloh’s animals. Her adorable pug is Huckleberry. He goes almost everywhere with her. She also has a Siamese cat who rules over the barn cats and Diva who rules in the hen house. Shiloh anthropomorphizes her animals and that adds humor to the story.

I have read most of Amanda Flower’s cozy mystery series and have enjoyed all of them. Her characters are interesting, and the plots are well conceived with lots of threads. In Farm’s Way continues her stellar reputation for good cozy mysteries.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Mystery

Notes: 1. #3 in the Farm to Table Mystery Series, but can be read as a standalone. Amanda Flower excels at providing background information as needed for the reader, so don’t be afraid to jump in with In Farm’s Way.

    2. Includes tips and a recipe for suet for feeding birds in the winter.

Publication:  February 21, 2023—Poisoned Pen Press (Source Books)

Memorable Lines:

I wasn’t one for the crowds, at least not crowds in Cherry Glen. I hadn’t really minded them in LA because they had anonymity. However, in my hometown, everyone knew who I was, what I was a doing. Gossip was a town pastime. 

The Siamese looked over her shoulder at me and gave a very slow blink. I had read that a slow blink from a cat meant she was saying, “I love you.” However, when it came to Esmeralda, I was certain it meant, “I am your queen. Sit down, peasant.”

Huckleberry looked at me with wide pug eyes in alarm. To be honest, pugs looked alarmed the majority of the time. When they didn’t, they were asleep.

1 Comment

  1. This sounds like a fun read Linda, thank you!


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