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Love in Harmony Valley Binge Wrap Up

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In A Small Town Romance, Melinda Curtis paints a lovely  picture of Harmony Valley, the setting of her Love in Harmony Valley series:

“Harmony Valley could have served as a backdrop for a Norman Rockwell painting. Old fashioned lamps lined Main Street. The buildings had brick fronts and canvas awnings. The wind blew brown and orange leaves down the road listlessly, as if even the elements knew the pace here was slow. The jury was out on whether it was off-the-grid, enjoy-your-time-off slow or bore me to tears slow.”

While A Small Town Romance is the last book I will read during this binge of the Love in Harmony Valley series which I have enjoyed, Melinda Curtis continues to rewrite and re-edit the books in this series. She is publishing one book per month. It appears the original series had 17 books including one novella.

Currently the ones shown on Amazon and Goodreads are:

#8 Finding Family in the Small Town—August 22, 2023

#9 A Small Town Girl with a Big City Secret—September 19, 2023

Thanks to my readers for sticking with me during my unusual binge. It’s probably a lot more fun to read the books than the reviews so your interest and loyalty are appreciated. Now we return to a variety of books just waiting to be read—ARC’s, Book Club reads, and personal choices. 

If you missed any of the reviews, you can click on the book cover below for a quick link.


  1. We didn’t mind your binge, you give great reviews Linda!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Carla says:

    I enjoyed reading about this series and hope to give it a go. 17 book is a long series though.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lghiggins says:

      Even though I enjoyed all of them, seven at one go was a lot! Now it is time to turn my attention to a variety of books. When I was composing this post, I wished I could give you a call and ask you how you got all of your book pictures the same size and arranged just as you wanted them in your posts. I haven’t had a need for that before, and I came up with something that was acceptable, but it took way too long. I won’t be going that direction again anytime soon.😂 I long for my PowerPoint days when I could do just about anything in that program.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Carla says:

        I use Paint and resize them all the same size before I post. It is an old fashioned way, but it works for me and saves me time. I remember spending so much time teaching staff and students how to use powerpoint. It seems so long ago, and makes me feel my age. 🧓

        Liked by 1 person

      • lghiggins says:

        Thanks for the tip, Carla. I’m going to write it down in case I decide to post multiple book pictures again.


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