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A Small Town Romance–writer of hurtful satire

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A Small Town Romance

by Melinda Curtis

As the Love in Harmony Valley series continues, I have been looking forward to hearing more of Tracy’s story. We met her in the first book of the series, Dandelion Wishes. She had been Emma’s best friend and is Will’s sister. She has expressive (speech) aphasia as the result of an accident where Emma was driving. Her speech difficulty is hard enough in daily life, but imagine what it does to a marketing executive. She is currently working as a barista in the local coffee shop.

When Chad is fired from his position as a travel writer and head of company at the Bostwick Lampoon, he heads out to write his own caustic satire on the web starting with little Harmony Valley. The elderly residents are delighted that he is going to draw attention to their town bringing in tourists and new residents but are unaware of his satirical motives. 

Tracy is attracted to the real Chad hidden inside the charming but deceptive exterior. He does have a kind heart and helps her with her speech. Unfortunately for their relationship, Tracy has done her research and is aware of the devastation he can bring to the little town and the people she loves in Harmony Valley.

A Small Town Romance provides a great look at these two characters. It shows the importance of self-confidence and helping others, putting their needs above your own.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Women’s Fiction, Romance

Notes: 1. #7 in the Love in Harmony Valley Series. It could be a standalone but so many of the previously introduced citizens of Harmony Valley show up in this book that I think the enjoyment is enhanced by reading other books in the series.

    2.  This book is Tracy and Chad’s story.

Publication:  July 18, 2023—Franny Beth Books

Memorable Lines:

Tracy used to love to flirt. She used to be the Queen of the One-Liners, the Princess of Comebacks, the Junior Miss of Verbal Jousting.

“It’s quite round.” Chad swirled the glass again and watched the wine drip slowly down the side. “And it has good legs.” Now he was speaking French. Liquid, people. It’s just liquid.

Mildred was no longer going to seize the day. She was going to walk in Martin’s and survive the day. Because that’s what one did after embarrassment in a small town. You held your head up and carried on.


  1. […] By lghiggins in Books, Fiction, Romance, series, Women's Fiction on August 21, 2023. ← A Small Town Romance–writer of hurtful satire […]


  2. Carla says:

    I’m glad to see the five stars, Linda. From the title of your post and the idea of someone possibly ruining the town, I was worried this might not be a good addition to the series. Nice review.

    Liked by 1 person

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