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A Small Town Second Chance–the heart of a caregiver

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A Small Town Second Chance

by Melinda Curtis

Becca MacKenzie is a young widow and a caregiver. Her clients love her for her compassionate and caring spirit. She is trustworthy and honorable. Unfortunately, fulfilling a client’s last wishes and following legalities of wills and trusts do not always line up. Becca makes some difficult choices that come back to bite her legally. 

She arrives in Harmony Valley to deliver a ring to an aging widow from a former beau. In the process, she is hired to care for Edwin who has just been released from the hospital. His handsome grandson Flynn has earned considerable wealth as a programmer, but is currently living with Edwin to take care of him and to establish a winery with hopes of revitalizing the town of Harmony Valley.

Flynn is a caregiver in his own way, acting as a handyman fixing house problems for the aging residents. Coming from a dysfunctional family, Flynn is raised by Edwin but now finds himself in the middle of lots of issues—familial, business, and relationship—as he and Becca try to not fall for each other.

A Small Town Second Chance addresses serious issues, but it has characters that will make you smile. There is amusing banter among the trio of men building the winery. Rose, Agnes, and Mildred are strong-willed elderly women who don’t try to stay out of everyone’s business. Abby is a sweet, comfort service dog who travels with Becca and is as compassionate as she is. Truman is Flynn’s step-sister’s son who seems to shoulder heavy burdens for an eight year old. As happened to Flynn as a youngster, Truman’s mother drops him off at Edwin’s house. Truman is sad but flourishes under the care of Becca, Flynn and Edwin who work to make him feel needed and loved. Pennies hold a special symbolism in the book, and Becca’s “House Rules,” many of which are  created to keep Flynn at a distance, are lots of fun.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Women’s Fiction, Romance

Notes: 1. #2 in the Love in Harmony Valley Series, but could be read as a standalone.

    2. Melinda Curtis, as shown in other series she has written, has a knack for creating a background that unites her characters as they are gradually introduced in each book. This book is Flynn and Becca’s story.

Publication:  July 28, 2023—Franny Beth Books

Memorable Lines:

“It wasn’t easy to stay until the end. The ability to stay says a lot about a person.”

“I can fix things for my mom, and she’ll be happy.”  Flynn remembered thinking the exact same thing when he was a kid. He wanted to be indispensable. An insurance policy for any kid who felt disposable.

“Symbols are important. That’s why we cherish wedding rings and family heirlooms.” Her delicate chin jutted out. “They remind us of love, of what’s honorable in the world, and how we’ve made our mark on it.”


  1. Carla says:

    I love Melinda Curtis’ books. Did I read that this is an older series that she has made some changes to and they are being republished? It sounds like a sweet story. Nice review, Linda.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nancy says:

    This sounds like a refreshing book to start up soon. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Gretchen says:

    The characters in this sound wonderful. I have not read this author, think I need to change that!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have to read this one as I was an Independent Provider (caregiver but my own business). Thank you Linda!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lghiggins says:

      Yes, it would be a good book to read. I have such admiration for those who are gifted in caregiving. I know it is not a choice for some who find themselves in that role, but regardless of how or why one becomes a caregiver, it is a job with value, not monetarily as much as what it means to the person with the needs. Becca in this book is firm, but pleasant and always patient with her clients.


  5. Oh, this sounds great. I’ve only read one book by Melinda Curtis, but I really enjoyed it. And I haven’t come across too many romances with a caregiver main character. I’ll have to check this one out. Wonderful review!

    Liked by 1 person

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