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Break of Day–Christian suspense

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Break of Day

by Colleen Coble

I strongly encourage readers who enjoy Christian suspense to read the three part Annie Pederson series. As a mystery fan, I rarely read thrillers, only reading suspense that I think will be more mystery than psychologically creepy. This series walks the border for me, but the violence is not graphically depicted and evil is called out for what it is. I really liked Edge of Dusk (#1 in the series), but was not as enamored with Dark of Night (#2 in the series). This last book in the series blew me away. There were surprises right and left and lots of character development. Character motivations, both good and bad, were revealed.

Annie’s daughter Kylie, that I didn’t much care for in Dark of Night, was not an active character in this third book, but concern for her and her safety was appropriately inserted. Relationships were fractured and healed. Roadblocks rose up and were gradually dismantled through trust in God.

The focus of the book was the horrible hunting of innocent tourists and hikers as a game. This thread began in the first book, but was central to Break of Day. Annie’s law enforcement skills, outdoor survival tactics, nautical expertise, stamina, protectiveness, and moral character make her a protagonist to be  admired and applauded. The themes of forgiveness and trust in God are woven throughout the tale as sisters Annie and Sarah relive past traumas and learn that their love for each other trumps previous hurts and mistakes.

There is beautiful symbolism of God’s faithfulness in a goldfinch he sends to reassure Kylie in a moment of crisis. Other symbolism is found in the darkness of the forest when Annie and Sarah are being hunted. They couldn’t tell which way to go because they couldn’t see the sun. They needed God to shed light on the situation and give direction.

I have to give a shout out to the dogs in the series. Samson is a search and rescue dog whose skills in Edge of Dusk are amazing. In Break of Day Sarah rescues Scout who later provides comfort and help to her. Samson’s pup Milo causes some welcome humorous chaos as this serious series draws to a close.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Mystery & Thriller, Romance, Women’s Fiction

Notes: 1. #3 in the Annie Pederson Novels. I recommend reading this series sequentially and close together time wise. Each book is a continuation of the prior book and will be best enjoyed if read as a unit.

Publication:  July 4, 2023—Thomas Nelson

Memorable Lines:

“How many times does the Bible say ‘Fear not’? Enough times that we know God doesn’t want us to cower in our homes. And I’m not going to do it. What kind of example would that be for Kylie? I want to model courage not cowardice.”

“There’s room for all of us. Love is like that. It doesn’t matter how many people you love, there is always room for more.”

She found it hard to believe anyone could be so twisted and cruel. Evil was the real word. There was evil in the world, and the three of them faced it right now.


  1. Carla says:

    Excellent review, Linda. I still have this third in the series to read and I am eager to get to it. Your first quote really hit me, as that is one of the things we talked about in our previous bible study, “Fear Not”. I am going to have to move this up my TBR mountain.

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  2. dfolstad58 says:

    I look forward to more Christian book recommendations but I am very careful not to read thrillers as sometimes it effects my dreams.

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  3. I love Christian based books, wonderful review Linda!

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  4. Gretchen says:

    I have enjoyed Colleen Coble’s books in the past and am looking forward to reading this series. I appreciate your recommendation to read the books in the series one after the other. I am finding more and more I prefer to read shorter series this way. I retain more about the characters than when I read other books in between.

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