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Her Heart’s Desire–starting over

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Her Heart’s Desire

by Shelley Shepard Gray

Mary is a young Amish lady who was bullied almost all through her childhood. She prays about a new start, and God provides her, through her home business of making greeting cards, with the funds to go to Pinecraft, Florida, for two weeks. Never having traveled far from her home area, she bravely makes the long bus trip alone from Ohio to Florida. She meets two other girls traveling solo to the same inn. They are all seeking a new start for various reasons and soon become fast friends. All is going well for Mary until her worst nightmare comes true in the form of an unwanted visitor from her home town.

Most of the characters in Her Heart’s Desire are either Amish or have decided not to join the Amish church but still share their faith in God and many of their beliefs and customs. You’ll like meeting the characters: so many are kind and generous and are helpful to the trio of girls as they work through past issues and grow in their determination to live their new lives. There are chaste romances with some handsome young men and fun times exploring the local beaches and shops.

I assumed Pinecraft, Florida, was a fictional location, but it is not. Wikipedia says it is a “small neighborhood community of approximately 3,000 Amish and Mennonites…in Sarasota, Florida.” It seems that many Mennonites and Amish enjoy the area as a good place for a winter vacation.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Christian, General Fiction, Romance

Notes: #1 in the Season in Pinecraft Series

Publication:  January 3, 2023—Revell

Memorable Lines:

Yep, one could say that his conversation with her had gone as well as a bullfrog jumping into a cement swimming pool.

For a little while, she felt confident, the kind of confidence one gets only when she’s accepted wholeheartedly. It was lovely.

Her former friend’s concerns were twisted, and the things she was concerned about were so silly and so narrow. It was obvious that she wasn’t looking for a change of heart; she simply wanted things to be how they used to be.


  1. Another good Amish book! I wonder if this is the area where the Amish from the TV reality show are at when the teenagers break away from their hometown?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Gretchen says:

    I’ve enjoyed other books by this author. I understand that the Amish groups in Pinecraft tend to be more laid back than others. Kind of fits with the beach setting.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lghiggins says:

      I think you are right, because it took me a little while to figure out the setting. It seems all kinds of clothing are welcome–from “English” bathing suits to traditional Amish attire for those who want to maintain their customs even on the beach.


  3. Carla says:

    Lovely review, Linda. I have read several Shelly Shepard Gray books, but not this one. It is nice that problems that plague many people are used as an issue here and through faith and friendship, get solve to a degree. I will have to see if my library has this one.

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