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Monthly Archives: August 2023

Spurred to Justice–creepy “Grave Digger”

Spurred to Justice

by Delores Fossen

There were a lot of “firsts” in this read for me. I had never read any books in The Law in Lubbock County series, books by Delores Fossen, or books published under the Harlequin Intrigue imprint. I am sharing my reflections on each topic:

The Series: I could tell that there was a personal relationship backstory between the protagonists Adalyn and Nolan but that gap did not affect my understanding of the plot in Spurred to Justice.

The Author: Delores Fossen is a good writer creating likable characters. Her plot has misdirection for the reader and for FBI Special Agent Nolan and ex-cop, current security officer Adalyn. She adds significant plot twists to keep suspense at the forefront.

The Imprint: I like Harlequin Heartwarming books so I thought I might like a novel from the same publisher but with a small amount of suspense. Spurred to Justice had only a little of things that I prefer not to have in books I read: foul language, open bedroom doors, and creepy murders. The inappropriate language is mainly handled by describing someone cursing with the actual words appearing only a few times. The sex scenes do not go all the way to culmination because the pair is always interrupted by phone calls or texts. The creepy factor is the Grave Digger whose taunting and method of murder gives those trying to stop him literal nightmares, but more of the book delves into his identity rather than how he commits the murders.

Reading Spurred to Justice was an experiment for me. My conclusion is that although I did not dislike this book, I won’t be pursuing any similar novels in the future.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 4/5

Category: Mystery and Thriller, Romance

Notes: #4 in The Law in Lubbock County series, but could be read as a standalone

Publication: January 24, 2023—Harlequin Intrigue

Memorable Lines:

But her body had to be firing off all kinds of signals that this was a primal sort of showdown with the person who’d tried to murder her and would almost certainly try again if he got the chance.

Nolan kept his tone as dry as the West Texas dust.

The Grave Digger would have known this shock would cloud their minds and maybe cause them to lose focus.

The Courtship Plan–first love

The Courtship Plan

by Kathleen Fuller

Things aren’t going well for Charity Raber as she looks for a job and a husband in Birch Creek. She was one of many young ladies responding to an ad that said there were a lot of young Amish men in Birch Creek looking for wives. Charity is thin with bright red hair and more freckles than can be counted. Because of a difficult family background, she comes across as…odd. She is too eager, her speech is unfiltered, and she just doesn’t know how to act around her peers. She was even set up with a date as a prank by one brother fooling another. She escapes more embarrassment by moving to Marigold where she is hired as a caregiver to Shirley, a kind English woman. To her dismay, just as she is adjusting well, one of the brothers moves in next door.

Charity wants love and sets out to get a husband with the aid of library books that hold some pretty bad advice and lead Charity into some situations that are very funny. The interactions between Shirley and Charity with their neighbor Jesse are the basis of a good story that is mostly not a fairy tale romance. A fun addition is Shirley’s escape artist dog Monroe. A serious complication is Charity’s relationship with her father and stepmother.

Love and forgiveness are strong themes that move forward an interesting story. Charity is a complicated character with a complicated background. She is the underdog protagonist that you will root for, but a happy ending seems difficult to achieve.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Christian, Romance

Notes: #1 in the Amish of Marigold Series. This book references a prank that I had also read about in the last book of the Amish Mail-Order Bride Series, but they are really independent series. The reader will get all the information needed right in The Courtship Plan.

Publication: January 17, 2023—Zondervan

Memorable Lines:

He’d called her weird and a pest. He wasn’t the first one to throw those awful adjectives at her. That honor was reserved for her mother.

When he’d told her Shirley cared, her heart leapt. Someone cared about her. She soaked that in like a dried-up sponge sitting in a saucer of fresh water.

She replaced her kapp with a kerchief and tried to bolster her own spirits, like she always had. but she failed. She was tired, so tired of being her own cheerleader.

A Lineage of Grace–5 novellas point to Jesus

A Lineage of Grace

by Francine Rivers

In the patriarchal societies of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, there are many stories of men and their relationships with God, but there are also stories of women who played an important role in history. In the fictional stories of A Lineage of Grace, Francine Rivers chose out five women who are noted in the Bible for their lives and actions as well as their place in the earthly lineage of Jesus Christ, the Messiah or Savior, who came to Earth as a man to save people from their sins, restoring them to relationship with God.

Rivers has written five novellas which are available singly or as an anthology. Scripture is woven all through the book, but at the end of each novella there is a discussion guide that includes the specific Scripture passages from which the story is drawn. The plot is found in the Bible and is the backbone of the tale which Rivers fleshes out using knowledge of the history of the area and the culture of the times.

Unveiled is the story of Tamar, a young Canaanite married to an abusive husband. Her father-in-law, the Israelite Judah, is consumed with guilt over his actions towards his brother Joseph. Much of the story deals with Tamar’s need to have a son and the various devious means used to accomplish that goal.

Unashamed is the second story and one that is more familiar to many readers. It focuses on Rahab, a harlot, who is instrumental in Joshua’s successful destruction of Jericho. The author expertly fleshes out the character of Rahab. We see how she might have come to be in this position as well as her strength, intellect, and the trust she placed in the living God of the Israelites as opposed to the idols her family worshipped.

Unshaken is another familiar story, that of Ruth the Moabitess.  When Ruth, her mother-in-law Naomi, and her sister-in-law all found themselves widowed, she decided to follow Naomi back to Bethlehem and trust in the God of Israel. She kept them from starvation and in the process God led her to a kinsman who continued the lineage. 

Unspoken relates a version of a complicated plot set in motion by King David’s lusting after Bathsheba, another man’s wife. The Biblical story itself has soap opera drama to it and could be a morality tale about the consequences of sin. Rivers makes the characters come to life with assumed fictional motivations and background, all believable and appropriate to David’s status as King and what we know from the Bible about the people who surrounded him. Despite their sins, when David and Bathsheba sought forgiveness, God gave it to them, but they did suffer consequences. The story continues on past the initial drama through the rest of David’s life and the transfer of power to his son Solomon.

Unafraid is the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus. As a young teenager she showed courage, strength, and trust in God in her response to an angel telling her that, unmarried, she would become pregnant through the Holy Spirit with the Son of God. Betrothed to Joseph, she could have been disgraced and executed according to Jewish law. She endured an uncomfortable donkey trip to Bethlehem in her last month of pregnancy and gave birth to her first child in a stable without the help of a midwife. 

This novella takes us through many of the events she witnessed as Jesus began his ministry all the way through his devastatingly horrible crucifixion to his glorious resurrection. Rivers writes what she thinks Mary’s inner struggles must have been and the way she always pointed attention to Jesus and not to herself. In fact, although Jesus made sure she was cared for after his death by his disciple John, he never elevated her as worthy of worship and she never sought such a role.

I enjoyed A Lineage of Grace which is thought provoking. The author made the characters of the Bible come alive and although separate in time and distance, I could see the links between the stories as they all lead to Jesus. The genealogies in the Bible can get tedious, especially if you are trying to pronounce some of those names! The core of this book is found in genealogies, but it comes alive as you look in depth at the bigger picture. Indeed, it’s all about the great Three in One: God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Historical Fiction, Christian

Notes: My book club read this over five weekly meetings, and it worked well over a busy summer when members could drop in and out without losing the meaning of a longer work.

Publication: 2009—Tyndale House

Memorable Lines:

Unveiled—Was Bathshua blind to what she caused in this household? She constantly pitted son against father and son against son. She argued with Judah over everything—and in front of her sons—teaching them to rebel and follow their own desires rather than do what was best for the family. It was no wonder her mother-in-law was miserable! And everyone was miserable right along with her.

Unashamed—Jericho looked as though a hand had come down from heaven and flattened it against the earth. The walls and towers were scattered stones that had collapsed and rolled outward. Screams still rent the air as smoke and fire rose.

Unshaken—After Mahlon’s death, she decided she would never again allow her mind to dwell on things beyond her control. The future was one of these things. She would face whatever came and do the best with whatever life God gave her.

Unspoken—Yet, crouched at the door was a greater enemy than those who camped around Israel. And a greater battle was coming—one that could tear a nation to pieces. The battle would not take place in the mountains, valleys or plains of Israel. It would take place in the wilderness of the human heart.

Unafraid—“Hasn’t God always chosen things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise? Maybe God chose a peasant girl to be his mother and a carpenter to be his earthly father because the Messiah is meant for all our people, not just those who dwell in the fine houses of the provinces or the palaces of Jerusalem.”

Love in Harmony Valley Binge Wrap Up

In A Small Town Romance, Melinda Curtis paints a lovely  picture of Harmony Valley, the setting of her Love in Harmony Valley series:

“Harmony Valley could have served as a backdrop for a Norman Rockwell painting. Old fashioned lamps lined Main Street. The buildings had brick fronts and canvas awnings. The wind blew brown and orange leaves down the road listlessly, as if even the elements knew the pace here was slow. The jury was out on whether it was off-the-grid, enjoy-your-time-off slow or bore me to tears slow.”

While A Small Town Romance is the last book I will read during this binge of the Love in Harmony Valley series which I have enjoyed, Melinda Curtis continues to rewrite and re-edit the books in this series. She is publishing one book per month. It appears the original series had 17 books including one novella.

Currently the ones shown on Amazon and Goodreads are:

#8 Finding Family in the Small Town—August 22, 2023

#9 A Small Town Girl with a Big City Secret—September 19, 2023

Thanks to my readers for sticking with me during my unusual binge. It’s probably a lot more fun to read the books than the reviews so your interest and loyalty are appreciated. Now we return to a variety of books just waiting to be read—ARC’s, Book Club reads, and personal choices. 

If you missed any of the reviews, you can click on the book cover below for a quick link.

A Small Town Romance–writer of hurtful satire

A Small Town Romance

by Melinda Curtis

As the Love in Harmony Valley series continues, I have been looking forward to hearing more of Tracy’s story. We met her in the first book of the series, Dandelion Wishes. She had been Emma’s best friend and is Will’s sister. She has expressive (speech) aphasia as the result of an accident where Emma was driving. Her speech difficulty is hard enough in daily life, but imagine what it does to a marketing executive. She is currently working as a barista in the local coffee shop.

When Chad is fired from his position as a travel writer and head of company at the Bostwick Lampoon, he heads out to write his own caustic satire on the web starting with little Harmony Valley. The elderly residents are delighted that he is going to draw attention to their town bringing in tourists and new residents but are unaware of his satirical motives. 

Tracy is attracted to the real Chad hidden inside the charming but deceptive exterior. He does have a kind heart and helps her with her speech. Unfortunately for their relationship, Tracy has done her research and is aware of the devastation he can bring to the little town and the people she loves in Harmony Valley.

A Small Town Romance provides a great look at these two characters. It shows the importance of self-confidence and helping others, putting their needs above your own.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Women’s Fiction, Romance

Notes: 1. #7 in the Love in Harmony Valley Series. It could be a standalone but so many of the previously introduced citizens of Harmony Valley show up in this book that I think the enjoyment is enhanced by reading other books in the series.

    2.  This book is Tracy and Chad’s story.

Publication:  July 18, 2023—Franny Beth Books

Memorable Lines:

Tracy used to love to flirt. She used to be the Queen of the One-Liners, the Princess of Comebacks, the Junior Miss of Verbal Jousting.

“It’s quite round.” Chad swirled the glass again and watched the wine drip slowly down the side. “And it has good legs.” Now he was speaking French. Liquid, people. It’s just liquid.

Mildred was no longer going to seize the day. She was going to walk in Martin’s and survive the day. Because that’s what one did after embarrassment in a small town. You held your head up and carried on.

A Small Town Memory–looking for a past and a future

A Small Town Memory

by Melinda Curtis

Jess shows up in Harmony Valley looking for her past. Specifically her husband or boyfriend. She is pregnant and had been in a car accident and lost her memory—retrograde amnesia. Seeing a newspaper clipping of the staff at the winery in Harmony Valley stirs her memory when she sees a familiar looking man. She meets him and discovers that he is not the baby’s father, Greg, but is his twin, Duffy.

Jess spent her childhood in a variety of homeless situations before her mother abandoned her to foster care, a loveless situation that left Jess longing for family and averse to anything that smacked of charity.

Harmony Valley could use a good bakery and coffee shop and Jess is a talented baker. Quitting her job and relocating to a new town when she is seven months pregnant, however, is a huge step to even consider.

I don’t want to include the many complications to the story that would be spoilers. Author Melinda Curtis does a great job of creating the scenarios and characters in A Small Town Memory. Duffy has good reasons for not wanting to have anything to do with Jess as do his parents. The elderly residents of Harmony Valley range from a curmudgeon with a shotgun to some sweet, nosy women who don’t mind encouraging romance while trying to save their town.

There are valuable lessons about giving and receiving kindness, forgiveness, and strength of character. Trust and family are also  prominent themes. The protagonists, Jess and Duffy, are likable characters with hurts in their pasts. Goldie is a cute, spunky little dog that Duffy fosters. She teaches him that there are positives to responsibilities. The ever present silent character is “Baby,” as Jess refers to her unborn little one, saying things like “Baby doesn’t like spicy food.” The author describes the little one’s movements: “Baby bounced eagerly in her belly, ready for a sugar fix.” Duffy even learns to accept his neighbor Eunice with her gifts of odd foods and nosiness. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Women’s Fiction, Romance

Notes: 1. #6 in the Love in Harmony Valley Series. It could be a standalone because the focus is on the new characters introduced in the series with previous characters just forming a background

    2.  This book is Jess and Duffy’s story.

Publication:  June 20, 2023—Franny Beth Books

Memorable Lines:

Jessica’s heart wrenched. She would have loved to have been a part of a large family with a business like this one. She longed for such history. For family traditions and favorite recipes. For the simple state of belonging.

They drove to the vet’s office. Goldie rode on the truck’s center console as if she’d been riding in trucks all her life. For such a froufrou-looking dog, she had chutzpah.

Rose had rejection in her tone before the rejection ever came. “We’re so old, we don’t even buy green bananas. Taking in a pet at this point in our lives wouldn’t be wise.”

Forever Family in a Small Town–conquering addiction and the past

Forever Family in a Small Town

by Melinda Curtis

Melinda Curtis takes a lot of hurt and family dysfunction and weaves a story of trauma and secrets that will keep you turning pages. There are good reasons to root for Kathy, an alcoholic mother and Dylan, a horse and people whisper, not to mention Truman, Kathy’s son, and Zach, Dylan’s son. Both Kathy and Dylan are animal lovers, but that is not what pulls them together. As an alcoholic, Kathy is determined to stay sober for her son. Dylan has fallen behind in his child support payments by an injury  incurred in a horse accident. When his ex-wife’s new husband sues for complete custody, Dylan has to work through his priorities. 

With every book you read in this series, you become more involved in the lives of the people of Harmony Valley. Reading each book makes you feel like you know all of the characters better, not just the ones the focus is on. This is a dynamic series with depth and characters that will find a place in your heart.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Women’s Fiction, Romance

Notes: 1. #5 in the Love in Harmony Valley Series. It could be a standalone, but would be enjoyed better if read in sequence.

    2  This book is Dylan and Kathy’s story.

    3. Wondering how Kathy came to be a part of the Harmony Valley series? Kathy is Flynn’s younger stepsister and was dropped off to live with their grandfather by an alcoholic mother just as Flynn had been. 

Publication:  May 23, 2023—Franny Beth Books

Memorable Lines:

Zach, with his ready smile and buoyant attitude, was the balm to Dylan’’s spirits. With his son in his life, Dylan could bear any burden and ride out any storm.

Dylan’s hug was like being wrapped in a warm tortilla, surrounded by hearty fillings and double-wrapped in aluminum foil to preserve the heat. His was a hug that wasn’t an obligation, like the one Truman gave her every night. It was accepting. It was endearing. It was safe.

How did Kathy know it was love? Because she felt both calm and discombobulated when he was near. Because he made her feel normal and special all at the same time.

A Small Town Summer–horse whispering vet

A Small Town Summer

by Melinda Curtis

The first three books in the Love in Harmony Valley series focused individually on three young men who are business partners, Will, Flynn, and Slade and their romantic interests. The backbone of the series, the revitalization of the little town of Harmony Valley, continues in the fourth book A Small Town Summer. Work on the winery carries on with the discovery that a wine “cave’ will be needed for storage. The new hire is Shelby who will be the cellar master in charge of aging the wine. She is a former resident of Harmony Valley and is staying with her grandfather, Doc, a retired veterinarian.

A call is put out for the Harmony Valley descendants to come back to harvest the grapes. The winery needs help with picking the grapes, and the aging town residents hope some can be encouraged to settle in Harmony Valley. One of the “helpers” is Gage, a former best friend of Shelby and her deceased husband Nick. Gage is a vet who is known as a  horse whisperer of birthing mares, the kind who may produce the next Secretariat.

One of the puzzles in this book is why Gage has not communicated with Shelby since Nick’s funeral. They were such good friends, and she is very hurt by his abandonment. He temporarily commits to work as a vet in Harmony Valley for two months before he moves to Kentucky to continue his specialized equine work.

In addition to the protagonists, the local elderly residents continue to play a role, frequently offering timely advice. Shelby befriends Mae who owns Dream Day Bridal where all the ladies used to buy their prom, bridal, and special occasion dresses. Married six times with three spousal deaths and three divorces, Mae knows a few things about love.

This book also includes a rescued St. Bernard and a number of other animals. Can Shelby be satisfied with taking in animals who need love? Can Gage find happiness across the country doing what he loves without a special someone in his life?

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 4/5

Category: Women’s Fiction, Romance

Notes: 1. #4 in the Love in Harmony Valley Series. It is probably not best as a standalone.Although the backstory is explained well, a lot of characters are mentioned that enrich the the story for readers of previous books but would probably just confuse those new to the series.

    2. Melinda Curtis, as shown in other series she has written, has a knack for creating a background that unites her characters as they are gradually introduced in each book. This book is Shelby and Gage’s story.

Publication:  April 18, 2023—Franny Beth Books

Memorable Lines:

The problem with being a relatively new widow were all the “firsts.”…Firsts were gut-clenching, cold moments. They closed her throat, flooded her eyes, and cut off her breath. It took time to process them. To acknowledge the innocence, to accept things would never be the same again, and to release the melancholy.

The weight of their scrutiny finally broke her. “Sure. Of course. I’ll consider it.” Shelby blurted, feeling as fake as a two-dollar wine paired with a filet mignon.

Mae’s living room walls were a cheerful purple, as were her carpet, couch, and a recliner. She wore a short purple cotton robe, displaying a set of mottled, knobby knees leading down to purple fluffy mules….Mae’s house was purple everywhere. She loved the color. It was powerful and passionate. “I’m a single woman. I can do as I please.”

A New Beginning in a Small Town–overcoming the past

A New Beginning in a Small Town

by Melinda Curtis

Each book in the Love in Harmony Valley series focuses on different protagonists, but the setting is the same small town of about 80 people. There are relationship issues centered around the backgrounds of the characters and around efforts to revive the little town. Characters from one book recur in the next.

In previous books, a trio of young millionaires is introduced: Will and Flynn who are programmers and Slade, the businessman. Each of the friends has difficulties and it takes the right woman to help them sort those problems out. Will has Emma, and Flynn has married Becca. Their stories are in the first two books of the series.

In A New Beginning in a Small Town, the three are finally getting their winery established. As beer drinkers they need to get an excellent winemaker if they want to use the winery to reboot the small town. One of the local councilwomen puts her granddaughter Christine in the competition. Christine has a great reputation, comes from a line of winemakers, and needs a change. She is also a strong woman and looks beautiful whether in a designer evening gown or in her winery “uniform” of shorts and a ratty T-shirt bearing a band logo. 

She has to make sure the trio are in this project for the long term. Slide is her immediate boss, and he doesn’t seem very committed. Is Christine the right person to save the winery and Slade who is clearly hurting? 

What is it with the expensive silk ties that Slade always wears and fingers nervously even in terrible heat or on manual labor projects? Why does Evy, Slade’s ex-wife suddenly drop off their twins, with Gothic attire, wide-eyed, and totally silent? Melinda Curtis’ descriptions of Slade and the twins are excellent; it is very easy to picture them.

Slade’s neighbor, “old man Takata,”  is an interesting, wise character and holds some keys to Slade’s past. With Christine’s help, the twins gradually open up. The ending of the book has some surprising, chaotic scenes that reveal a lot of the various characters’ motivations. Like Christine, the reader will waffle between wanting to shake some sense into Slade and hug away his pain. Kudos to Melinda Curtis on a well executed romance that addresses a very serious subject in a respectful manner.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Women’s Fiction, Romance

Notes: 1. #3 in the Love in Harmony Valley Series, but could be read as a standalone because of the excellent summary the author gives of both the town’s and Slade’s situations.

    2. Melinda Curtis, as shown in other series she has written, has a knack for creating a background that unites her characters as they are gradually introduced in each book. This book is Christine and Slade’s story.

Publication:  March 21, 2023—Franny Beth Books

Memorable Lines:

“When you’re younger than everyone else and smart, earning scores that skew the grading curve, you have to develop survival skills. Like smiling. And when that failed, I became good at blending in with the crowd and being a good listener.”

“Success, for me, became mandatory, the route to proving to my dad that life was worth living.”

“Can’t just means you won’t.”

A Small Town Second Chance–the heart of a caregiver

A Small Town Second Chance

by Melinda Curtis

Becca MacKenzie is a young widow and a caregiver. Her clients love her for her compassionate and caring spirit. She is trustworthy and honorable. Unfortunately, fulfilling a client’s last wishes and following legalities of wills and trusts do not always line up. Becca makes some difficult choices that come back to bite her legally. 

She arrives in Harmony Valley to deliver a ring to an aging widow from a former beau. In the process, she is hired to care for Edwin who has just been released from the hospital. His handsome grandson Flynn has earned considerable wealth as a programmer, but is currently living with Edwin to take care of him and to establish a winery with hopes of revitalizing the town of Harmony Valley.

Flynn is a caregiver in his own way, acting as a handyman fixing house problems for the aging residents. Coming from a dysfunctional family, Flynn is raised by Edwin but now finds himself in the middle of lots of issues—familial, business, and relationship—as he and Becca try to not fall for each other.

A Small Town Second Chance addresses serious issues, but it has characters that will make you smile. There is amusing banter among the trio of men building the winery. Rose, Agnes, and Mildred are strong-willed elderly women who don’t try to stay out of everyone’s business. Abby is a sweet, comfort service dog who travels with Becca and is as compassionate as she is. Truman is Flynn’s step-sister’s son who seems to shoulder heavy burdens for an eight year old. As happened to Flynn as a youngster, Truman’s mother drops him off at Edwin’s house. Truman is sad but flourishes under the care of Becca, Flynn and Edwin who work to make him feel needed and loved. Pennies hold a special symbolism in the book, and Becca’s “House Rules,” many of which are  created to keep Flynn at a distance, are lots of fun.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Women’s Fiction, Romance

Notes: 1. #2 in the Love in Harmony Valley Series, but could be read as a standalone.

    2. Melinda Curtis, as shown in other series she has written, has a knack for creating a background that unites her characters as they are gradually introduced in each book. This book is Flynn and Becca’s story.

Publication:  July 28, 2023—Franny Beth Books

Memorable Lines:

“It wasn’t easy to stay until the end. The ability to stay says a lot about a person.”

“I can fix things for my mom, and she’ll be happy.”  Flynn remembered thinking the exact same thing when he was a kid. He wanted to be indispensable. An insurance policy for any kid who felt disposable.

“Symbols are important. That’s why we cherish wedding rings and family heirlooms.” Her delicate chin jutted out. “They remind us of love, of what’s honorable in the world, and how we’ve made our mark on it.”